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Essay on social development

Essay on social development

Prior to essay on social development the analysis of this paper to the three respective studies, it is necessary to mention various salient factors regarding the… References Fiske, S. It will include ideas of theorists and their notions of what Personal, Social and Emotional development is. Routledge Press. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. They require help and assistance to develop their conscience and moral reasoning.

Participation In Social Development

Social Development in Mexico: eform ideas that spread during"the reform period," came to be implemented at the national level under the regime of Porfirio Diaz. In the reform period, the goal of modernizing Mexico, i. make it more like the United States and Europe, gained many adherents. To move toward this goal, several objectives were promoted by liberal politicians. One of them was the reduction in the power of the Catholic Church by redistributing its lands and curtailing its monopoly on religion, allowing freedom to other churches and religions to establish themselves. Another objective was to secularize education and implement modern curricula in the schools. A third objective was to promote capitalist economic development. Yet during the reform period, the implementation of the modernization agenda was sporadic and limited geographically.

The reform period was chaotic, marked by civil essay on social development, the rule of French imperialism and the war…. References Buffington, R. The Culture of Modernity. Meyer and W. Beezley Eds. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Vanderwood, essay on social development, P. Betterment for Whom? The Reform Period: At the pre-operational stage of development, children are also developing their language skills. Therefore, the scientific experiments encourage the children to ask questions and frame those questions appropriately.

Still egocentric, children at or below Kindergarten age do not need to be thrust into activities requiring cognitive activities that are associated with higher stages of development. For example, when children progress to the concrete operational stage in later elementary school they will reap more benefit from activities that require concrete or logical thought. At an early age, the child's cognitive development precludes logical thinking, essay on social development. The UCSD ECEC program fosters natural, organic cognitive growth within a structured environment. At the same time, the UCSD ECEC program offers Kindergarten-age children to develop their cognitive skills naturally.

References Developmental Programs ECEC. Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. html Sharkey, W. The purpose of this paper is to review four articles that report on essay on social development examining this relationship. Han, H. No child misunderstood: Enhancing early childhood teachers' multicultural responsiveness to the social competence of diverse children. Early Childhood Education Journal 37 6pp. The majority of early childhood teachers are middle-class and of European descent. The demographics of essay on social development childhood classrooms, on the other hand, are reflective of changes in American society, and thus there are more children from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds.

Research supports the importance of cultural considerations in understanding and promoting social competence in essay on social development classroom of young, culturally diverse students. As in the previous study, Han and Thomas characterize social competence as an important marker of development and…. Social development Barack Obama: Erikson's Model of Development According to Erik Erikson's theory of developmental stages, every human being goes through a series of conflicted stages which must be resolved before he or she can successfully progress to the next stage. Barack Obama's movement through Erickson's life stages can be seen most acutely in his adolescence and young adulthood, based upon what he has revealed about his development in his autobiography Dreams From My Father.

However, it may also be presumed that during the infancy stage he went through the familiar crisis of 'trust vs. However, Obama's mother remarried an Indonesian man, who was by all accounts a loving stepfather Barak Obama,Biography, essay on social development. From agesErikson says the central crisis…. References Barack Obama, essay on social development. Dreams From My Father. Broadway Stages of social-emotional development. Child Development Info, essay on social development. The parents essay on social development have to maintain a balance between the dependence and independence of their adolescent on the family as both extremes may prove to be harmful.

The parents may also need to alter the family system as their adolescents interact with the extended family and make new friends. The middle aged parents also have to change their psychological interactions with their children as their children have now become teenagers and they would be required to make amendments in authority, privacy, perspective and emotional interactions. The middle aged parents who themselves are facing many problems also have to address the problems of their teenage children. Hargrave, Furthermore, people in their midlife go through the marriage of their children. After the marriage of their children, the parents may feel like a new couple again. Now some people essay on social development this positively and enjoy but some people regret it as they think….

References Blackwell Publishing, n. Adolescence and adulthood. pdf Hargrave, D. Stories of women midlife experience. Master's thesisAvailable from University of South Africa, essay on social development. University of California, n. Through the Middle Ages. pdf Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Stress, mental health and suicide: Mid-life. At the same time, the relationship with the family changes as the teenager becomes more independent. Teenagers often spend more time with their friends than essay on social development family and also will listen more to their friends. The same trends from middle childhood also continue, as friends understand themselves as part of a peer group, essay on social development as one-on-one relationships with close friends become more important.

The major social essay on social development that occurs in adolescence is that people begin to date and explore sexual relationships. In early adolescence, teens often begin dating and exploring love relationships. Berk notes that "sticking with group activities, such as parties or dances, before becoming involved with a steady boyfriend of girlfriend is best for young teenagers. This then develops and changes…. Works Cited Berk, L. Development Through the Lifespan. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, According to Antonovsky what all capacities have in common, is that they foster repeated life experiences that help one to see the world as making sense, cognitively, essay on social development, instrumentally, and emotionally.

These experiences motivate people to address challenges meaningfulnessenhance their ability to understand current and future challenges and support the attitude that one can utilize available resources to meet challenges Antonovsky, The importance of well developed and integrated capacities for enhancing or maintaining good health lead to the interesting issue of how these capacities develop. This essay is aimed to examine broad issues of child development. For this purpose essay on social development author observed a child a one-year-old infant from neighbors and then had a brief interview with the parents as how they interaction with the baby and how….

References Antonovsky, A. The Salutogenic model as a theory to guide health promotion. Health Promotion International, 11 2 Bandura, A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: W. Chess, S. Interactions between offspring and parents in development. Varma EdsVulnerability and resiliency in human Cynader, M. Mechanisms of brain development: Neuronal Sculpting by the physical and social environment. Hertzman Eds DEveloopmetnal health and the wealth of nations: Social, biological, and educational dynamics pp, essay on social development. New York: The Guilford Press. Grohol J. Attachment heory.

Psych Central. he site is clustered with numerous links to psychological issues and people related to this field. his article has been written by Dr. John Grohol who is a renowned psychologist and owner of this web portal. he article focuses on the theory of attachment explaining various behavioral patterns observed in the canvas of this theory. Holmes, J. John Bowlby and Attachment heory. New York: Routledge.

essay about cause and effect

Our proximity to one another also aided in the development of this attraction toward one another. We all lived on the same block and therefore had more opportunities to interact with one another outside of the school setting. Although physical attractiveness did not necessarily influence our friendship, according to Myers , it is usually the first step in any sort of relationship, even those that are platonic in nature. The theory of physical attractiveness is based on research conducted that tends to suggest that people who are viewed as being more physically attractive are seen as being more approachable Myers, My relationship with my friends can….

References: David, M. Social psychology. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia: How the Social Media Affect the E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia SOCIAL COMMECE IN SAUDI AABIA Conceptual Framework Model Social Media Psychological Aspect and Theories Administration Digital Divide in Saudi Arabia Ethos, eligious conviction, and Government in E-commerce Adoption The ise of the P Industry in Saudi Arabia Conceptual Model and esearch Hypothesis Drawing esearch Contribution Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia Modern Saudi Arabia today actually represents an exceptional and convergent mixture of social conservatism and technological ability, a wonderful alteration from a remote, desert land that it was just something like 50 years ago.

As social media is turning out to be increasingly prevalent in Saudi Arabia, online marketers are starting capitalizing in methods that service social media and include online customers. In Saudi Arabia Online marketers' adoption of new online marking trends is being prompted by discoveries that show individuals are spending great amounts…. References: Anderson, M. Turning "like" to "Buy" Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel. Assad, S. The rise of consumerism in saudi arabian society. Bahaddad, A. Attracting customer in saudi arabia to buy from your business online.

International Journal of Business and Management, Brock, C. F-COMMERCE AND THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF TRUST. Online Communities and Digital Collaborations, Cradock's study of a correlation between population categories and child abuse lead to the development of an assessment tool that allowed social workers to determine when children were at risk for child abuse and when to intervene and what actions would be seen as an over-intervention. By using this assessment, social workers will not only know how to identify the serious danger of child abuse and what children are at-risk for being abused, but also the assessment makes it possible for social workers to determine when intervening in the situation may be dangerous or unnecessary for the children involved.

Of similar importance are the tools developed to assess and evaluate those convicted of both child physical and sexual abuse. In Milner and Murphy's study, the methods of assessment and evaluation are discussed and critiqued. These methods, including interview, observation, personality tests, and offender-specific assessments, are all studied in…. Works Cited Arad-Davidzon, Bilhah, and Benbenishty, Rami. Children and Youth Services Review. Bray, James H. Buckner, Lynn P. And Salts, Connie J. This makes the idea that the minority communities that are using the community as a "springboard" for assimilation because there are less of the domestic non-Hispanic whites in the areas in which immigrants would typically assimilate.

There has even been the development of what is referred to as planned communities. Irvine California serves as a good example of such a development. Irvine was developed from ranch lands from a single developer that constructed "urban villages" in Orange County Maher, , p. The particular site selected for this study was in many ways a "typical" Irvine neighborhood. Works Cited Maher, K. Borders and Social Distinction in the Global Suburb. American Quarterly, Zhou, M. Rethinking Residential Assimilation: The Case of a Chinese Ethnoburb in the San Gabriel Valley, California.

Amerasia Journal, Additionally, Sociocultural theory assumes that individuals develop self-concepts through interaction with others, and we are influenced by culture and social processes, such as social norms. Social norms dictate that girls are more sensitive and boys are less emotional, thus further explaining the gender differences in the above case study. The two predictions of how these interactions affect a child's development are: 1 if the child is treated with more love, intimacy, and talked to about feelings, the child will grow up being more sensitive to others and more open to discuss their feelings with others. If the child is taught not to respond to their feelings, or let their emotions guide them, the child will grow up to be less sensitive, more aggressive and less likely to discuss their feelings.

Depending on treatment, a child may grow up to have negative qualities, such as violence or repressed anger. These interactions…. Social Enterprise What is meant by the term 'social enterprise' and what do social enterprises contribute to society and the economies in which they operate? The acceleration with which the world is changing day by day is continuous. A majority of organizations that have a motto of 'not-for-profit' are looking out for prospects with the help of which they can begin or widen their projects in order to get their missions fulfilled and offer the needy the earned profits. Thus, any organization or scheme that brings about the mentioned twofold objectives is considered a social enterprise. In other words, a business is regarded as a social enterprise when the main objective is to cope up with the prevailing societal problems and….

References Baptiste, T. Being a Leader and Making Decisions. New York: Chelsea House. Beerel, A. Leadership and Change Management. Los Angeles: SAGE. Bornstein, D. Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press. Borzaga, C. The Emergence of Social Enterprise. London: Routledge. Social psychology view: What ensures that women are treated fairly in office settings in the United States? One of the most prudent applications of social psychology within contemporary settings are those that relate to gender.

Gender issues can become exacerbated when they are viewed within particular social constructs, such as the work environment. Due to the fact that the majority of the world was initially a patriarchal society particularly in the United States before modern conceptions of gender became prevalent, the role of women within the work environment is one which is certainly worthy of investigation in terms of how women are treated, what sorts of issues they must contend with, and how others men consider working women. The principle difference between contemporary and most historic notions of gender pertaining to women in the workplace is that in modern times, there is supposed to be a substantial greater amount of….

References Bisika, T. Do social and cultural factors perpetuate gender-based violence in Malawi?. Dearth by a Thousand Cuts? Journal Of Social Issues, 68 2 , x Gilbert, D. Handbook of social psychology 5th ed. Huerta, M. Intersections of race and gender in women's experiences of harassment. Order No. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses,, p. Social workers often have commitments to specific policies, laws, or funding of programs that are vital to the population they serve or an issue that they strongly support. Such commitments often lead social workers to become involved in political issues and the campaigns of specific candidates.

Being a social worker, such campaign experiences, the outcomes of your efforts, and how effective you felt you were may affect your view of the political process and the likelihood of becoming involved in similar campaigns in the future. Social workers' involvement in political advocacy is usually influenced by the impact of politics on social work practice. Through advocacy and lobbying in the political arena, social workers seek to promote changes in legislation and policy to enhance social conditions and promote social justice towards meeting basic human needs. In essence, social workers' participation in political advocacy is geared towards protecting individuals' rights and enhancing…. Bandura casts social cognitive theory against various determinist and materialist theories on the assertion humans are "sentient agents of experiences rather than simply undergoers of experiences" because people explore, manipulate and influence the environment they discover p.

This contrasts against "automaticity," habit, "tendencies to repeat responses given a stable supporting context" Oullette and Wood, , p. Wood and Neal largely reiterate this summary as repeated learned behavior The present inquiry is particularly interested in how and why particular behaviors become repeated after negative consequences have been…. References Bandura, A. A social cognitive theory of personality. John Ed. New York: Guilford Publications. Reprinted in D. Shoda [Eds. New York: Guilford Press. Ouellette, J. Habit and intention in everyday life: The multiple processes by which past behavior predicts future behavior. Psychological Bulletin 1 , Wood, w. A new look at habits and the habit -- goal interface. Psychological Review 4 , -- Retrieved from DOI: Social Darwinism Statement of the Issue Beginning with a discussion of Social Darwinism's inherent logical fallacy, this study examines whether or not wealthy industrialists of the nineteenth century actually practiced what Social Darwinism called for.

By considering the history of the concept and its relation to capitalism, it becomes clear that not only did wealthy industrialists practice Social Darwinism, but that they embraced it precisely because it provided a justification for the unethical business practices they were already engaged in. Statement of the Issue Social Darwinism was a major force in the political, economic, and social landscape of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, but it represents something of a conundrum for the historian attempting to determine whether or not the wealthy industrialists who were proponents of Social Darwinism actually practiced what they preached.

The difficulty stems from the fact that Social Darwinism is itself an example of a formal…. References Bannister, R. Social darwinism: Science and myth in anglo-american social thought. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Klein, S. The natural roots of capitalism and its virtues and values. Journal of Business Ethics, 45 4 , Social Media etailing Applications: Opportunities and Threats How Has Social Media Developed and What are the Benefits and Downsides of Using Social Media for etailers Today? This study examines social business in general, how it developed and the benefits of using social media in particular. Finally, the study provides a summary of the research and important findings is followed by a series of recommendations concerning how retailers should use social media technologies in their own businesses in the concluding chapter.

Social Media Business Applications Chapter…. References About Honda. Last accessed 1 November About Virgin. Virgin America. Baumann, M. Twitter Discloses Business Model Promotedtweets RT. Information Today, 27 6 Social Order and Inequalities Social order and inequality Ideas, beliefs, values, norms, roles, statuses, organizations and social class may have impact on an individual's life directly or indirectly. This can be in form of gender and social inequality. The life of my friend Jane who is a woman is an example of how these phenomenon impacts the life of individuals. Gender inequalities rise from deepening division in the roles that are assigned to men and women, especially in the political, economic and educational sphere.

When my friend Jane could not make it to the leadership of their community despite various attempts, it showed that women are always underrepresented in political activities as well as decision making processes. This is brought by the ever existing beliefs that men are better leaders than women. As a woman she is subjected to institutional discrimination where they face problem of accessing education which has…. Social Work Under the California Child Abuse and Neglect eporting Law, counselors, teachers, and other professionals are legally obliged to report suspected abuse or neglect.

The legal obligation to report instances of child abuse or neglect to a local, state or federal social services agency is generally a good idea because it ensures reporting by teachers, counselors, and others who are in contact with the child. It is assumed that mandatory reporting means immediate and beneficial intervention. The reality is more complicated than this. Alerting child protective services can have unwanted detrimental effects on the child. As Lough n. points out, "nagging doubts about how the person suspected of abusing a child will react, what the outcome will be, and whether or not the report will put the child at greater risk" are what make the mandatory reporting laws controversial. Theoretically, with a legal obligation, the individual is more motivated….

References County of Riverside How do I report child abuse? California Department of Social Services Office of Child Abuse Prevention. The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law. pdf State of California Department of Social Services Report abuse. Social Equity Public Administration Emergence as Concern in Field of Public Administration Social equity has always been an important aspect of public administration, though only recently is it receiving much attention in the press. Whereas in times of old social equity concerned itself primarily with issues of fairness and equality in the public workplace, today social equity is emerging as a field encompassing many different aspects of administration.

Among these include public education, policy development, hiring and promotional practices, public welfare and even transportation. In modern public administration, all of these issues are applied to the field in order to establish fairness, justice and equality for all. Social equity in the field of public administration has emerged as a response to consumer demands for equitable policy making and fairness in governance. Public administration as a whole may be defined as the management of "matters which have principally to do with…. References: Frederickson, G. Rice, M. University, Bush School Working Paper pdf Christopher, G.

Social and Labor Issues of Supply Chain Management There are a myriad of labor and social issues that all enterprises need to contend with in designing, implementing and managing an international supply chain. In addition to the specifics of how suppliers will communicate pricing, product, and transaction-specific information and also synchronize efforts to support product introductions, there is also the more challenging social and labor issues to contend with. These differences are exacerbated by vast cultural differences between regions and nations. One of the most valuable frameworks for understanding social and labor issue differences in international supply chains is the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions Hofstede, This framework provides dimensional insight into how labor and social issues within and between nations can be planned for and optimized to gain the greatest level of performance given the inherent constrains in supply chain management Hofstede, McCrae, Analysis of Social and….

Bibliography Hofstede, G. Cultural constraints in management theories. The Executive, 7 1 , Hofstede, G. Personality and culture revisited: Linking traits and dimensions of culture. Cross - Cultural Research, 38 1 , A simple casual glance at the comparative mode of lifestyle in our country would make it obvious that these establishments performed in an excellent manner for the greater part of this century. But the universe is transforming in manners that radically remodels the suppositions, customs and guiding principles, which catered the American people earlier.

Besides, the pace of transformation is gearing up at an amazing speed, requiring in many customs and establishments the need to progress in certain spheres. To look forward to modifications, to a certain extent than acting in response to it, schools are spotting developments and scrutinizing their probable connotations. ather than guessing what the coming years has…. References Anglin, John. Educational Trends for the Future. Handbook of Theory and Research in Higher Education: Volume: 8; pp. New York: Agathon, Carter, Holly. Implementation of International Competence Strategies: Faculty. In Bridges to the Future: Strategies for Internationalizing Higher Education, pp.

Charles Klasek, Carbondale, Illinois: Association of International Education Administrators, Corson, David. Language Diversity and Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Morrison, J. Higher-Education Trends and Indicators. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Volume: 46, No: 3; September 10, ; p. Social evolution to rapid revolutionary change and contemporary globalization dynamics: Emphasizing the an Analysis of Global Economics. An article that recently appeared in The Korea Herald, "U. And Germany stress cooperation" details a visit to Germany by U.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who met with his German counterpart to discuss the financial crisis that has enveloped Europe as of late. The context for this meeting was important, as the European Union's currency, the Euro, has consistently been devalued in the past few years and several countries that are part of this alliance 17 altogether are contemplating various measures in which the currency and the economic solidarity of the EU could be saved. The crux of this article, which directly correlates to Hans-Werner Sinn's opinion editorial, "Why Berlin is Balking on Bailout" actually has less to do with the meeting between the two financial heads of the U.

And Germany and…. Thus, this aspect can multiply into many sub-genres that focus on one or more aspects of the social world as they contribute to influencing behaviors and innate thought processes. Focusing on the social means looking for more abstract concepts that relate to existence within a social world. Although the subject is socially constructed, the method of analysis is still quantitatively measured. egression analysis, common…. Ten years on: does graduate student promise predict later scientific achievement? Current Research in Social Psychology.

Kearl, Michael C. Trinity University. html New York University Infants able to identify humans as source of speech. Science Daily. htm Smith, Eliot R. Social Psychology. Routledge Press. Social Justice Improving social justice for women has been identified as one of the building blocks of social change. Population control, education, and the eradication of domestic violence are all interlinked. Women's education is not simply a feminist issue. Higher rates of female education are linked to lower birth rates and better health outcomes for children as well as women.

Women who are educated are more empowered to take control over family planning and have more resources to take care of the children they do have. Yasmin aashid, a leader in obstetrics and…. References About us. Women's Global Education Project. html Domestic violence. American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG. Competitor products and their equivalent prizes, this is so that after establishing our break-even analysis it can act as a guiding line to set the best price. Tao The survey should enable one establish the best marketing strategies and anticipate any future contingencies. Entrepreneurship development services This service will target individuals who wish to start business on their own or in a group it will mainly involve Training on how to originate business ideas.

It is said that if you feed a man you have only feed him a day, a long-term problem in a short-term way. If you show the man how to fish then you have feed him and his family for life and I add that if you show the man how to run a fish business you will have feed the society too. In his book ich Dad Poor Dad, Kiyosaki explains that the most…. References Adaman F. European Commission on Employment, SocialAffairs and Equal Opportunities Development Goal. European Union, Luxenbourg, Europe. Agbola T. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Camur E. Sage books. New York. Dumashie a. Journal, FIG Working Week, May , United Kingdom. Social Media in the Business Environment In the past few years, there has been a tremendous and dramatic increase in the use of social networking sites and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

This is particularly because of the low-cost, user-oriented, and highly collaborative means of communication that continues to evolve through its own impetus. Consequently, social networking sites or social media are based on certain principles that the corporate or business environment can learn from. There is an assumption that the widespread adoption of social media in people's personal lives can be moved to the professional environment where they can be used to develop unprecedented knowledge bases in which people, industries, and the society can be empowered. However, many businesses still consider social media and social networking sites tools as frivolous to an extent that they have prohibited their use in the working environment. Actually, these companies still….

Social work history displays that the desire of social justice is both a task and a myth for employees and their immediate predecessors in organizations. This study provides a critical analysis of Janet Finn's and Maxine Jacobson's work titled "Just Practice. In both chapters, they have elaborated in length on how social work came into being. Ideally, social work history revolves around the industrial revolution and the way the rise of capitalism created a gap between the rich and the poor. In the first chapter, the role of Charity Organization Societies and Settlement House Movement as the pioneers of social work has been elucidated….

References Barusch, A. Foundations of social policy: Social justice in human perspective. Finn, J. Just practice: a social justice approach to social work. Peosta, Iowa: Eddie Bowers Pub. Leiby, J. A history of social welfare and social work in the United States. New York: Columbia University Press. Lundy, C. North York, Ont: University of Toronto Press. Those who predict future behavior and demand for products and services correctly can profit tremendously from their planning; conversely, those who invest in technologies or applications based on assumptions or expectations that never materialize run the risk of losing their entire investment.

In that respect, the computer realm is no different from the decisions and projections made in traditional types of businesses. It may just seem different by virtue of the accelerated rate of computer evolution and development and the fact that some of the specific new technologies and capabilities become so widely and rapidly adopted that they can change society practically overnight. In all likelihood, computers today are similar to paper in the Middle Ages when producing paper was so labor intensive and expensive that very little was available and only to the wealthiest classes.

Another analog might be dry cell battery technology around the turn of the 20th…. As recent events in the Middle East have clearly demonstrated, Facebook is more on the side of the politically disadvantaged and the poor as they have increasingly embraced Facebook and other social media while the governments in the region tried to ban them. Many governments such as that of China do not allow Facebook primarily because they want to avert scenarios they have seen in the Middle East. Facebook revolutions It was in the wake of when Oscar Morales, a young man in Columbia, decided that he had had enough of FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia , a Marxist group which routinely kidnaps people, keeping them as hostages for months or years, while many of the hostages die in captivity.

Angry and depressed by the actions of FARC, one night he turned to Facebook which he had been using to connect with his friends and high school classmates. Works Cited Alexanian, Janet A.. Project MUSE. Sydney: Network Insight Institute. China, Walid. MasterFILE Premier. Eltahawy, Mona. Academic Search Premier. This drives a value system that makes our work preventative by one intent. ith a clear understanding that some intervention will require a removal of the child from his or her parents' care, the value of family togetherness will direct the strategy of community involvement on the part of the agency.

Specialised knowledge: The practice framework is guided by specialized knowledge on the patterns and trends dominating the landscape of abuse cases. The main emphasis in the late s was, on popular or people's participation and on ways to involve the rural poor in development projects and. Social development is an important role children must learn as they grow. Social-emotional development includes the child's experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. When applying this information to Isabella, she has many friends. She has family friends who she enjoys playing with at her home or an outing and she also has friends at school.

She is very social. universal accord has risen that data and correspondences innovations ICTS offer a possibly effective instrument for pushing social and investment development. This essay will discuss the importance of ICT for Development Projects. Through which four main ideas will be discussed, namely the importance of ICT, functionalism, inequality of communities and socio economic development. It has been argued that several recent studies have described remarkable success in using ICTs to help underserved communities. It will include ideas of theorists and their notions of what Personal, Social and Emotional development is. The assignment will be based on observations of a child I have chosen from a Preschool environment.

I will refer to the child in the assignment. Social development can be defined as changes in social and emotional skills across the lifespan, including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Adolescents usually fall under 18 - 25 years old while adulthood ranges from 25 years old onwards. There are numerous factors that can shape social development such as peers and parents. Bowlby states that attachment is a form of strong emotional bond that develops from one person to another. could have on their development.

Later, Erikson and Piaget furthered the study of human development and expanded the thought processes that Freud had pioneered. While all consider Freud the father of psychoanalytic thinking, few turn to many of his first theories about human development. Freud created the doorway by which all future developmental researchers were able to walk through to advance the study. a new life, a child 's human development is being influenced by family, school, peer groups, and mass media. Within the creche setting, it is important for young children to believe in themselves and their ability in order to be open to learning new information and skills, including social and emotional skills.

How can a child achieve the self-esteem needed for learning when they, for example, are living in fear of abuse, know that their family is on the poverty line, or know that their parents are in trouble with the law? Finally, the top of the pyramid represents self-actualisation, and for young children this means understanding who they are as a person. Children achieve this by knowing about themselves and learning about who they are. Each foundation level must be strong to reach the next level, and if one level is weak for a particular child, the needs higher up in the pyramid will be difficult to achieve because all needs are inter-related.

To aid the development of social and emotional skills in children, children need to form relationships with both staff and other children, and to do this they have to feel healthy physiological needs met , secure safety needs met , loved and accepted social needs met , and confident and proud of themselves esteem needs met. They will then feel fulfilled according to Maslow, and become well-adjusted children and adults. Creche workers must therefore ensure that children climb this pyramid appropriately, creating strong foundations along the way, for social and emotional developmental success. Lev Vygotsky: Lev Vygotsky — was born in Orsha Belarus , and he carried out substantial work in the area of developmental psychology, child development, and education during his life, adopting a social learning view of development and building upon the theory proposed by Piaget.

Vygotsky believed that there is a strong relationship between language development and thought, a connection between speech internal and external and the development of mental concepts and cognitive awareness. He claimed that internal speech grows from external speech through a method of internalisation, but that internal speech, in its mature form, would not be understood by anyone but the thinker. Children can, he claimed, only think out loud — that is, they say their thoughts out loud. Vygotsky claims that initially language is used as an external instrument by children to socially interact with others. In this was, as children get older, self-talk develops into internal speech and is understood to be different from social speech by the child.

It is in this way that emotional development occurs - the child learns to regulate their emotions by internal talk. Similarly, social skills develop as the child learns when to use social speech and when to use internal speech appropriately. External speech is the process of turning thought into words. The child will have to turn the words of the carer into an internal thought and will therefore practice this skill. Children will also learn how to control their emotions and behaviours when carrying out these activities, becoming more confident and self-assured. He argued that "Every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people interpsychological and then inside the child intrapsychological.

For example, if a child is doing a jigsaw puzzle and is having trouble completing it, the carer can explain to the child about the side pieces and the corner pieces, and help them to understand the correct method to finishing the puzzle. Lawrence Kohlberg: Kohlberg was born in in New York, and died in He was a constructivist psychologist who suggested that children learn because of the things that happen to them, including interaction with the surrounding environment and exploration of same. His stages of moral development are described in the following bullet points. Although Kohlberg used predominantly male subjects in his first studies, similar research carried out by others, with samples of males and females from many countries, have found that the stages do occur in this way with few cultural differences observed.

This suggests that young children do not understand the difference between right and wrong, but rather act in particular ways that might seem to be displaying moral reasoning, but which are actually thought to be aimed at avoiding punishment, gaining reward, or both. They require help and assistance to develop their conscience and moral reasoning. Helping children in a creche to understand why certain actions are right and others are wrong should be a primary concern for carers. Supporting moral development in a child means that the child will know how to act appropriately in social situations, and how to control their emotions and resulting behaviours.

The main disagreement that I have with the theory is that I believe the ages he has assigned to each stage can actually be applied to children at younger ages. More recent researchers in the area of child development and education have suggested that young children can be helped to learn about morals, feelings and behaviour through particular activities. Sigmund Freud, a famous psychoanalytical theorist, put forward a five-stage theory of emotional development. Both believed that emotional development is based on the idea that. Children will generally develop these three parts of their mind as they grow, allowing them to make moral decisions. For example, in the oral stage fixation can result in smoking , thumb-sucking, and over-eating in later life.

Freud posits that it is only in the latent stage that no emotional development occurs. Therefore boys decide to befriend their fathers, copying their behaviours and interests. Another difference is that Erikson suggests that personality continues to develop into adulthood, and he therefore put forward his eight-stage psychosocial theory, which is described as follows. A person either has a sense of self in relation to life and what lies ahead or has role confusion - the person cannot see clearly or at all who they are and how they can positively relate with their environment. People either experience love and develop deep and meaningful relationships or experience isolation and only form shallow relationships.

This theory can be linked to practice within a creche environment where carers work with young children on a daily basis. For carers within a creche, therefore, they need to ensure that they give all children opportunities to take initiative and explore, in addition to giving them a lot of praise for trying new things or succeeding with new tasks. A carer can give a child a jigsaw puzzle to complete, allowing them to take initiative in how they are going to go about doing the jigsaw, and explore ways of fitting the pieces together correctly. The carer should also tell the child how well they are doing to develop confidence in the child.

Regarding arts and crafts, a carer can allow children to paint a picture of whatever they want, thus inspiring initiative, creativity, and exploration of colours and shapes. These techniques will boost the confidence of the children, which is vital for their social and emotional skills. Development of social and emotional skills in turn develops their confidence, because they are capable of interacting with others in a calm and comfortable manner. On a day-to-day basis, childcare workers generally observe and evaluate children informally to get an insight into the children they are caring for. With the use of more formal observations, parents and carers alike can both learn accurate information about the children, and also about any developmental issues they are having, so that the appropriate professionals can be contacted when and if necessary.

For example, if a child is having difficulty with their fine manipulative skills, the carer might decide that the child would benefit from some drawing or painting activities. Another advantage with the use of observation is that a creche worker can study a particular child whenever necessary. In this way the worked can help the child develop their social skills by incorporating more group work into their lessons, such as imaginative play or play using puppets. There are many formats in which observations can be carried out. Some of these methods are described in the bullet points below.

The number of occasions that each child is successful in catching the ball is then recorded. Without the knowledge gained from observations within a creche situation, childcare workers can miss developmental issues in children, issues that can be avoided with timely intervention. If a child has physical difficulties or problems e. cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, a spinal injury causing them to be in a wheelchair, or a genetic disorder , they may find it difficult to join in many games, as a lot of games require some sort of physical element.

Therefore their opportunities for social interaction with other children are more limited, affecting their social development. Play is an important part of social and emotional development; when a child is involved in play they are in control of their environment, which helps foster positive self-esteem in children. A child who cannot join in games and other forms of play may feel upset, lonely, angry, rejected, frustrated or left out, affecting their emotional development. Stutters and stammers have been found to be a result of characteristics such as shyness, anxiety, fear and low self-esteem, and consequently social and emotional development can affect linguistic development also.

For this reason, the child may not feel comfortable interacting with the other children and may have problems forming meaningful friendships. In the absence of these important relationships, the child lacks in opportunities to interact with other children and practice their social, emotional and behavioural skills. In this way, childcare workers can ensure that they are providing the highest standards in care and support, and giving the children the best possible environment in which to develop successfully. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.

Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Social and Emotional Development. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Feb 04, Accessed January 7, com , Feb The social-emotional, cognitive and physical benefits of physical activity During childhood our body and mind changes very fast. I believe that nowadays parents focus more on the brain developement of. This article is more of a research paper and review on previous studies than new experimental findings. This paper tries to make a connection between emotional functioning and social competence.

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