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Poverty essay conclusion

Poverty essay conclusion

Programs that create supportive based environments for youth, strategies for preventing various problems affecting youth in America and resources that help youth-serving professionals and families. GET WRITING HELP. Poverty in America: A Paradox, poverty essay conclusion. It has seen some decline in the poverty level in poverty essay conclusion last five years from Contracting Out Hospital Support Jobs: The Effects of Poverty Wages, Excessive Workload, and Job Insecurity on Work and Family Life. Business plans are the foundations from which successful businesses are constructed. This metamorphosis has seen the city of Detroit change from a central industrial hub to a city that is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy.


Home » Poverty Essay. Poverty is the condition of a person when he cannot fulfil his basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. It is an extreme condition when a person poverty essay conclusion a lack of essential commodities such as shelter, adequate food, clothing, medicines, etc. to continue life. Some common causes of poverty are poverty essay conclusion, fatal and epidemic diseases, and natural disasters. Low agricultural production, lack of employment, casteism, illiteracy, poverty essay conclusion, gender inequality, environmental problems in the country. Poverty in India can be reduced after effective solutions, but the individual efforts of all citizens are needed.

We can define poverty as a lack of food, proper shelter, clothing, medicines, education and equal human rights. Poverty forces a person to starve, without shelter, without clothing, education and proper rights. There are various causes of poverty in the country, although there are solutions, due to lack of proper unity among Indian citizens to follow the solutions, poverty is getting worse day by day. The spread of epidemic diseases is the cause of poverty in any country because poor people cannot take care of their health status.

Poverty makes people unable to go to the doctor, go to school, study, speak properly, eat three meals a day, dress in need, buy own house, get a proper salary for a job, etc. A person can go towards illness due to drinking unclean water, poverty essay conclusion, living in dirty places and eating inappropriate poverty essay conclusion. Poverty is like a slave situation when a person is unable to do anything he wishes, which change according to person, place and time. Poverty is a condition that no one wants to live, but it has to be taken away due to custom, nature, natural disaster, or lack of proper education. Poverty is a completely preventable problem, but there are many reasons that have persisted since the past.

It is very important for everyone to work together to remove poverty from the country and the world to bring about proper physical health, mental health, full literacy, home for all, and other essential things to lead a simple life. Poverty makes a child unable to enter school in childhood and lives his childhood in an unhappy family. Poverty is a shortage of few rupees for arranging two times daily bread and butter, buying textbooks for children, the grief of parents responsible for taking care of children, etc. It is very common to see poverty in India because most of the people here cannot meet the basic needs of life.

Poverty creates a situation in which people fail to get sufficient income so they cannot buy essential things. A poor man lives his life without any facilities, such as two meals a day, clean drinking water, poverty essay conclusion, clothes, home, poverty essay conclusion, proper education, etc. There are various reasons for poverty in India, but the distribution of national income is also a reason. The most important causes of poverty are illiteracy, corruption, poverty essay conclusion, increasing population, poor agriculture, the difference between poor and rich, etc. Poverty represents poor quality of life, illiteracy, malnutrition, lack of basic poverty essay conclusion, low human resource development etc.

It has seen some decline in the poverty level in the last five years from It has also declined at the state level such that it decreased to Instead of some decline in poverty in India, it is not a pleasure because the Indian BPL is still a very large number 26 crores. Poverty in India can be eradicated by the use of some effective programs, although a combined effort by the government is needed for all. The Government of India should formulate some effective strategies to develop the poor social sector through key components like primary education, population control, family welfare, employment generation etc.

Also, read poverty essay in words. Illiteracy: Poverty makes people unable to get a proper education due to lack of money. Nutrition and Diet: Poverty leads to inadequate availability of diet and inadequate nutrition which brings many fatal diseases and deficiency diseases. Child labour: This gives rise to a huge level of illiteracy as the future of the country becomes involved in child labour at an early age. Unemployment: Unemployment causes poverty because it creates a shortage of money which affects the daily life of the people. Social stress: It creates social tension due to income inequality between poverty essay conclusion and poor.

Housing problems: This creates a bad situation for people to stay outside the house on sidewalks, roadways, poverty essay conclusion open spaces, multiple members in one room, etc. Disease: It gives rise to various epidemic diseases because people with money shortage cannot maintain proper sanitation and hygiene. Poverty alleviation: Poverty affects the lives of women to a great extent due to gender inequality and deprives them of proper diet, nutrition, medicines and treatment. Poverty is a condition in which people are deprived of the basic necessities of life such as inadequacy of food, clothes and shelter. Most people in India poverty essay conclusion get their two-time meals properly, sleep on the side of the road and wear dirty and old clothes. Poverty is increasing in urban India due to an increase in urban population as people from rural areas prefer to migrate to cities and towns to get employment or to do some financial activity.

The income of about 8 crore urban people is below the poverty line and 4. Despite some initiatives, no satisfactory results have been shown regarding poverty reduction. Also, read poverty essay FAQ. Also, read 1. Indian Education System Essay 2. Indian Culture Essay 3. Essay on Education. Poverty is not just an individual problem but is a national problem; this should be solved on an instant basis by implementing some effective solutions. Various steps have been taken by poverty essay conclusion government to reduce poverty but there are no clear results. Eradication of poverty is essential for sustainable and inclusive development of the people, economy, society and country.

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Medium-term effects of household poverty on child well-being: A study in a subsample of pre-school children in rural Mexico. Journal of International Development, 22, 8, Berzin, S. January 01, Understanding the Impact of Poverty on Critical Events in Emerging Adulthood. Eduardo, M. September 06, How Do Social Networks Matter in Reducing the Effects of Poverty?. International Journal of Sociology, 41, 2, June 06, Estimating the potential effects of poverty reduction policies. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 29, 2, Bugental, D.

December 01, Effects of an Early Family Intervention on Children's Memory: The Mediating Effects of Cortisol Levels. Mind, Brain, and Education, 4, 4, Zuberi, D. Contracting Out Hospital Support Jobs: The Effects of Poverty Wages, Excessive Workload, and Job Insecurity on Work and Family Life. American Behavioral Scientist, 55, 7, Sreenivasan, J. Poverty and the government in America: A historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara,. Poverty is among the most common social challenges facing large populations globally. It is the state of having inadequate resources or means of support. The inadequate state is present in many nations and it contribute to the widened gap between the rich and the poor.

Despite the international policies developed for dealing with the social challenge, the gap between the rich and the poor is continuously widening. With the help of inappropriate government policies, powerful people often become the richest ones whereas others continue being poorer Banerjee 2. Africa is among the leading continents with high poverty levels. Over the last decade, increased poverty conditions attribute to the political issues and natural calamities such as famine. Poverty conditions play significant roles in leading to increased mortality rate of people due to poor living conditions that limits their access to healthcare services. The discussion is an analysis of poverty as a common social challenge aiming at evaluating policies used in response to the challenge Lötter Illiteracy highly contributes to poverty in the modern society.

Surprisingly, despite the application of advanced technology in the current society, about a quarter of the global population lie below the literacy level they do not know how to write nor read. Apparently, illiteracy is a depriving factor towards opportunities and seeking other forms of livelihood. In fact, it dictates jobs done by the illiterate individuals. Precisely, in some situations, illiterate people remain in the chains of illiteracy that force them to stick on the ancestral jobs thus limiting their flexibility to new job avenues. In many nations, it is a major contributor to the social issue Banerjee Increased unemployment cases as well lead to poverty among people. With the growing population, competition is increasing. Additionally, employment opportunities are becoming more dynamic.

In comparison with the population, these opportunities are insufficient. Thereby, while striving to maintain their tasks, large population receive poor remunerations from their tasks, which consist of a pay below the minimum pay. More so, among other people, they rarely get employment opportunities and hence do not have income sources. Conversely, it leads to poverty conditions Orleck Poor government policies, on the other hand, contribute to the broadening gap in social classes in the society. Surprisingly, these policies facilitate inequality in community resource sharing thus widening the gap. Community support services developed for dealing with poverty such as the provision of relief food on the poor communities does not meet its stipulated objective due to fraud and corruption.

Hence contributing to prevailed poverty states Healey Natural factors such as famine contribute to poverty states in different nations. More a third of the global population rely on agricultural activities for their livelihood. Normally, these activities face negative drawbacks due to inconsistency in climatic conditions. Uncertainty of these conditions leads to collapse of agriculture. Thus, it leads to a decrease in farm produce. Families relying on sale of these products experience adverse negative effects of reduced income generation. Individuals with limited options remain stranded on other sources leading to desperation thus starving Banerjee Poverty dimensions changes from time-to-time.

In addition, it differs depending on place urban and rural poverty. Urban poverty causes differ from rural poverty. However, these aspects of rural and urban poverty interrelate. Presumably, the main cause of poverty in the urban areas is due to the predominance of rural peasantry factors that force individuals from the rural areas making them to migrate to urban areas aiming at finding a better livelihood. During the migration process, these people lose their space while searching for food and other basic amenities Brady Contrarily, while in the urban areas, these individuals get food easily.

However, they experience a limitation to access of social amenities such as health. Thus, their situations in the urban areas compel them to remain below the poverty levels. Rural-urban migration remains prevalent in the current society and significantly contributes to poverty conditions. It is an unsolved issue facilitating poverty situations globally Healey Plan of Action. Poverty is a serious social issue that require immediate responses by the involved governments. In response to the social calamity, it requires collaborative attitudes between the government and the citizens while helping individuals living below the poverty conditions. Acting as a government consultant, implementation of an integrative program will aid while handling the social issue.

The integrative approach requires participation of the government in enacting laws and implementing them, companies and as well citizens. Its plan of action is as follows;. Promotion of balanced jobs both in the rural and urban areas Healey Unemployment, a primary driver of poverty, require a strategic approach that will ensure there is equality in resource sharing. Through government investments and reform, there will be the creation of millions of jobs. Seemingly, it will enable workers to earn good incomes while in diversified areas Orleck The second integrative measure will be a minimum wage control. As depicted, many workers receive poor pay rates from their managers due to lack of implemented policies governing corporate remuneration strategies.

Family measures, which will include strengthening of families and investing in children, will be the last sections of the integrative response to poverty. Children investing will be through promoted education in schools. Introduction of hand-on-skills courses will facilitate in the curbing of the social condition Brady Lastly, family strengthening policies, focused on empowering of family members towards access to social services, will promote equality in resource sharing. At a family level, poverty requires implementation of certain measures that increase responsibility of parents over their children Lötter The stipulated plan of action will be future-oriented where its goal is to eliminate poverty conditions in the coming generations by empowering the current generation with the solutions to poverty.

The plan will influence economic, politic and social situation in the real-world society Banerjee On the economic perspective, these projects will increase the income circulation in the society thus contributing to an increased bargaining power of society members. Similarly, on the political perspective, it will lead to implementation of new laws that will govern projects in the rural areas and governing the minimum wage rates. Lastly, its implication to the social environment is reducing the prevailing poverty conditions facing many individuals in the present society Orleck Comparison with an already implemented policy.

Rural Development Programs developed by the United States, focused on improving the living conditions in the rural regions focused on providing rural households with the credits of purchasing income-generating assets that improved their livelihood. It is similar to the action plan stipulated above as it targets rural population living below the poverty line. These projects anticipate at increasing the income of rural populations and as well promoting their local activities Brady Nevertheless, these policies are different. The stipulated action plan while acting as a consultant targets at increasing government investments in these regions. Through these investments, many people will benefit and will have an increased income from the created jobs.

In addition, the implemented government approach does not facilitate family strengthening measures. Thus, it does not offer solutions to the future generations. It is in contrast with the action plan that will implement strategies in schools that will offer students with relevant skills that increase their adaptability in the society Lötter There is a strong belief that the stipulated action plan will be more effective unlike prior measures by the government Brady In its approach, it does not only look at the current causes of poverty but also possible avenues that may lead to poverty. Conversely, it offers solutions to both the present and future generations.

In addition, with an integrative approach, the government will focus on promoting effective measures that directly help the population through its investments. It is unlike credit allowances of purchasing assets that may lead to corruption cases in the society Banerjee In conclusion, poverty is among the present social issues facing many people globally. Its accelerating rate is alarming and raises concerns over the role of government in facilitating its prevalence. While responding to the social issue, community awareness and participation can significantly make a difference. Individuals involved in alleviating the condition need to be accountable for their actions. Among government officials, there is a need for maintaining transparency and accountability. Through the action plan on poverty, the condition will drastically reduce among the future generations.

Reference Brady, David. New York: Oxford University Press, Internet resource. Banerjee, Abhijit V, and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: PublicAffairs, Lötter, H P. Poverty, Ethics and Justice. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, The second generation Black American sociologists. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Poverty in America: A Paradox.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction Factors contributing to Poverty in America Conclusion References. Learn More. This essay on Poverty in America: A Paradox was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.

Economic Crisis Effects on Individuals and Society The Poverty Rates in the USA. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Select a referencing style:. Copy to Clipboard Copied! APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference IvyPanda. Level of extreme poverty concerns anyone surviving with less than one dollar per day. Overwhelming majority of the population of the Third world countries lives by these standards. Citizens look for higher quality of life and better opportunities. That is why emigration to developed countries is widespread there. Immigrants of the poorest countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America arrived to wealthier countries are satisfied with minimum income which is higher dozens and even hundreds of times than the minimum of his native country.

Poverty in developed countries should be mentioned here too. Although it is a developed country with high technological innovations, over 47 million Americans have status of the poor. The number of homeless children increase every year. More than half of students are unable to buy lunch at the canteen. One-third of families live with incomes below 60 percent of the average income in the country. Despite these facts about Americans who suffer poverty have governmental support. Citizens with the lowest level of income receive different types of social care. They get free food and clothes.

More than 90 percent of officially poor people have their own housing. Almost all of them have a car; surely not the new one but good enough to use it. American government gives a chance to escape the poverty. It helps every person who needs education and employment. Although such differences between poverty in developing and developed countries exists it has to be eluded. The question of solving the problem of poverty bothers every single country in the world. There is no opportunity to get rid of poorness at once. But we can mention some ways and solutions to minimize the number of poor people.

Next way deals with the education system. Countries, which confront the problem of insufficient number of schools, should produce conditions that can help children to get education.

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