Thursday, December 16, 2021

Essay describing a person

Essay describing a person

His ever bright face was reduced to gloom. Home Blog Descriptive Essay About a Person. These details can make your paper more exciting. My mother laughed her heart out and never again considered selling the house. She always grins with her amazing smile.

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The purpose of this essay is quite clear: you have to express your feelings about a particular subject or object and describe its significant features. In most cases, students are forced to describe events, places, objects, and people. If you really want to write a high-quality descriptive essayyou should be attentive, competent, and … creative. First, you should choose the person who will be the subject of this description. For example, you can write a descriptive essay about a person you love. On the other hand, we are not sure that the number of people who are interested in this article will not be awe-inspiring and your paper may be a bit boring for other people. So, writers usually decide to create essays about an extraordinary historical personality or write a descriptive essay about a person you admire.

For example, you can write an essay about Napoleon Bonaparte, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, or other famous and successful people to consider their personalities more precisely. Fortunately, there are dozens of websites, which provide descriptive essay examples about a person. However, this sample could be a great pattern, which you can use in the future. For example, essay describing a person, you essay describing a person find info about the number of bottles of wine which this man consumes every day or the number of brothers and sisters of this particular subject. These details can make your paper more exciting. Use professional descriptions. Fortunately, there are thousands of books, which were written by hundreds of famous writers.

There is no need to write. You should find a way to represent the portrait of this human via your text in the imagination of readers. Just close your eyes and analyze each part of this person. Look for vivid epithets, metaphors, and idioms to make your text alive. If he or she has a big scar on his or her face, you can describe the origin of this great sign. This story can describe the character of essay describing a person subject as well. Do everything possible to create a real portrait of this personality and masterpieces of previous authors can make this process easier. Choose people, you know well. You should choose people whom you know good enough to write an article about them. On the other hand, if you decided to consider the main features of a star, you should research more information about this essay describing a person before choosing the topic.

Find the balance. So, you should find the ideal essay describing a person between informative and concise. We can recommend you to write down the most recognizable features of this person and stay focused on them. Describe them well, and it would be significantly better than writing about nose, mouth, eyebrows, lips, arms, legs, essay describing a person, and other parts of the body of this person. In most cases, it takes at least hours to write a high-quality paper. Luckily, essay describing a person, you may manage to avoid a lot of problems and make this process more comfortable if you try to analyze any sample descriptive essay about a person and follow our simple recommendations. Guess who is! Yeah, essay describing a person, our writers are the best. And always available, by the way….

Home Blog Descriptive Essay About a Person. Descriptive Essay About a Person Benjamin Oaks. Table of Contents. Hire a Writer. Share on Facebook Tweet this Share on Messenger. Post author. Benjamin Oaks Introducing Benjamin Oaks — the man of many talents, including academic writing. Graderminer to the backbone, Benjamin takes great pride in helping new generations of college graduates in the U. to get their diploma successfully and be able to pay off college loans faster. Also, Benjamin is a cool guy to talk to on non-work related topics, from sports to high cuisine.

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It can be difficult to identify discrimination, and even harder to stop it once you realize it's happening. Meaning of Freedom Essay Example. The meaning of freedom is complex and has many different interpretations. In the United States, women have made a lot of progress in their fight for equality. The United States of America is a country with many labor laws. The blues is a genre of music that has been around for centuries. It started as the roots of African-American music and evolved into what we know today. COVID 19 Corona Virus Essay Sample. The Corona Virus is a serious illness that causes very high fever, headache, and muscle aches.

It can be fatal if not treated quickly. Why Do You Want To Be A Nurse Essay Example. Nursing is a rewarding profession that involves providing care for patients, families, and communities. Nurses are the backbone of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Family Planning Essay Sample. Her parental skills are unmatched. The active health enthusiast and a staunch vegan still looks fine, especially with her slender body and long grey hair. Probably because her face is round, she looks smiley and friendly to everyone who looks at her. Also, the wrinkles are still too shy to appear. Her cute little brown eyes give you the impression of a kind mother who wants the best for her family. The casual clothes she wears match up with her love for house chores and work, which makes you wonder how hardworking she could have been in her prime.

Her teenage and early adulthood photos portray a beautiful career woman in her prime. She loved to stay in line with her spectacular but decent choice of fashion that made her unique in her generation. She still retains her class and grandeur even in her old age. But her love for elegance has never stopped her from interacting with the lowly in the society. She helps everyone in need, and I am the living testimony of that, mainly because she adopted me at the age of two! My grandmother is so generous that she could even give her plate of food to strangers and stay without it herself.

She is the epitome of what it means to uplift humanity. She always keeps telling me that God will solve everything, but that I have to be ready to do the work myself. And the good part is that she lives by her words and will always try to do good to everyone she meets. I should also mention that her strong Christian values does not bar her from helping and interacting with people of other faiths in a friendly manner. To her, all humans were created by one God irrespective of their religious affiliations, and that God taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. My uncles and aunties testify that she was such a conservative parent who was quite loving and protective. Her disciplinarian tendencies could not dare become delinquent.

She never shied away from punishing and correcting them whenever the need arose. And, the funny part is that she would tell them she only punished the wrong things they did and not her lovely kids. In short, I have a grandmother who is the rock of my life. She is the woman who raised me from infancy to the adult I am today. She has contributed significantly to my compassion, analytical mind, and overall personality. Special people like my grandma exist to mold us into the best character we can attain. The kind, generous, influential, and highly-spirited woman constantly reminds me to leave a good legacy behind me.

Her character, thoughts, and prayers have been the fortress in which our family stands. My essay thesis is the personality of James by explaining his caring, emotional, strong, and funny nature. My essay is organized around this central theme. James is my elder brother who is three years older than me. We have stayed together since we were born and therefore I know him inside out, including his behavior, personality, and traits. We are more than just family and treat each other as friends. You will try to find epithets, metaphors, impersonation, to emphasize your attitude toward this man. Please note! Any description has always a certain aim. For example, you need to describe a person. Ask a question: for what purpose?

If in order to tell how cute he is, then you will describe his appearance. If the goal is to write that he is a very good friend, then you will have to describe not only the external features but also his or her character. For an example, I'll write a couple of essays that describe a person. It will be a description of appearance, description of personal qualities and description of the character. I also advise you to read the essay about character and get new information about oneself. I have a friend with a beautiful name Lucy. She is low on growth, brown-eyed and black-browed. She has on her pale face barely visible freckles. Big brown eyes are framed with long fluffy eyelashes.

She always grins with her amazing smile. When she laughs, her little nose wrinkles so funnily. She is very tidy. Her dresses are always ironed. Lucy is a sincere friend. Between us, there are never secrets. Together we read books, go to the library, prepare home tasks. When I was sick, she always comes to me after classes, talks about school and about her adventures. But the most interesting she talks about the new books she read. I want to listen to her every day, listen without end. I love my friend for her sensitivity, kindness and spiritual purity. This essay on friendship proves it. Considering the topic before writing this essay, I kept thinking about whom is better to write: about someone of my friends, about my mother or about a familiar aunt?

So I decided to describe the appearance of any woman I have ever known, but not related to me. So, I want to tell you about my neighbor - Emma. She is an ethnic Armenian, and it manifests in all form in my neighbor. It is manifested in everything: in the slightly hooked nose, in jet-black curly hair, in a soft, almost velvet voice and in very strong accent. Emma is a middle-aged woman, she is over forty.

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